Monday, March 8, 2010

Sunday has been a long but another blessed day. A group of Oklahoma City musicians hosted a benefit for Avery and Adam at the OKC Farmers Market. I will never forget my new friend...I believe her name was Ciara, she looked to be about Adam's age and she was shy about getting on the dance floor but wanted to dance so badly. So Ciara and I enjoyed 4 dances, (quite a challenge for this Grandma who posesses very little rythum). Her little smile lit me up, just like Adams and Avery's does. It felt like he sent her to me to remind me to dance and smile. Thank you to Brandy and Bobby who hosted the benefit. And to Russell and his family,our new friends, and of course to the musicians, you were wonderful.

Avery was really sleepy today but slept in both her Mommy, Daddy and Dad Bobby's arms. Can you imagine the comfort that must give her, and them? She is dressed in her new princess dress and jewels and looks beautiful.

Have a good night friends and family. We love you and keep the prayers coming. We love you...Gigi


  1. Hi, Thank you for the blog. I am the manager of the OSU-OKC Farmers' Market at 400 N. Portland. Could you please give me a call at 945-3326? We are planning a fundraiser at this Saturday's market. (We had an improptu fundraiser last week because this family is one of "our's" and visit on Saturdays all the time.) Thanks!
    Cheryl Camp

  2. Sure Cheryl, and Thank you so much. I will make sure Chelsea gets the message.
