Friday, April 2, 2010


Gigi here.  I started back to work and have been neglecting the blog.  Gratefully Chelsea wrote to you and isn't she just beautiful.  Chelsea and Bobby threw a welcome home party for Avery last night.  It was just heartwarming to see their home filled with friends and family and to hear the little girls playing and laughing.  Ronnie was a light in the room and I think we wore him out!  Bobby and I agreed after the party that we are really blessed to have the support we've had, and that we all appreciate not only the children, but each other so much more.  Adam's loss and his life have touched so many people and taught us all so much.  So it was a beautiful celebration, and yet Adam's absence was with me.  Thoughts of him make me smile..always, but we are sure going to miss him. 

God is good, and carries me when I can't walk.  Thanks God.

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